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Are your products safe for use during pregnancy and around babies?Updated a year ago

You bet they're safe for use! Our whole range is plant-based and low-tox, so there are no nasties to be seen here. However, every human's sensitivities vary, so it's best to have a look at our ingredients list for your individual needs. Hopefully, there is nothing in there that you know is a problem for you or your precious human 👶

We must note, that whilst our products have not been specifically formulated for the precious pregnancy period, even some 'natural' ingredients can be problematic. So it is always best practice to have a look at the ingredients, and run it by your GP.

We are however, happy to report that plenty of our fabulous customers have used our do-goodies throughout their pregnancy period. And, many of our customers have lil ones and are very happy using our plastic-busting products! 

Here's a review that speaks for itself:

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