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How do I cancel my Zero Co subscription?Updated a year ago

If you decide subscribing to your favourite Zero Co refills isn't for you, or you would like to go back to ordering when you need to refill, we have made it very easy to cancel your subscription, right from your own account.

How do I cancel my subscription?

In order to cancel your subscription, you will first need to log in to your account.

  1. Login to your Zero Co account.
  2. Click Subscriptions 

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Cancel Subscription - located at the bottom of the overview 'your subscription products'.

Please provide a cancellation reason for us to better understand why you are leaving us (sad to see you go!) and confirm the cancellation by clicking Cancel subscription.

Options to cancel products from your subscription:

1 - Skip products from your next subscription order, in case you still have plenty left from your last order

2 - Remove products from your subscription, in case you decide you don't need them as frequently as the other products in your subscription. You can always add them to your subscription shipments as one-time add ons when you need a top-up!

3 - Cancel your entire Zero Co subscription. You can always come back by ordering at your own pace :)

How do I skip a product from my next subscription delivery

  1. Login to your Zero Co account and select 'Subscriptions'.
  2. Select 'Edit' for the product you want to skip
  3. Select 'Skip this product once'

How do I remove a product from my subscription?

  1. Login to your Zero Co account and select 'My Subscriptions'.
  2. Select 'Edit' for the product you want to remove
  3. Select 'Cancel subscription'


If you do decide to go, please let us know why you decided to cancel your subscription, so we can make sure we do better next time and can take your feedback into account to improve our products and service for the rest of our Zero Co community.



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