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Where and how are your Forever Bottles made?Updated a year ago

So, our Forever Bottles are made here in Australia! 🦘

Yup, that's right! After much trial and error we are super pleased to say that our second generation Forever Bottles are made right here Down Under, and will be until infinity and beyond!


If you'd like to see more about our manufacturing process you can check out this great READ.

What are your Forever Bottles made of?


We love that you want to know! Our Forever Bottles are made from our very own specially created material called OBL (it's a combo of Aussie Ocean, Beach and Landfill plastic waste).


Did you know that only 13% of plastics that you put in your recycling bin here in Australia actually gets recycled. And the rest? Landfill. 🗑 That's just one of the scary facts released in the Federal Government's 2020 Waste Report which you can download here (if you're into that kind of thing).


So... given this terrifying stat, we're trying to reduce the amount of plastic headed to landfill by combining curb side recycling with ocean and beach plastic we've collected during Aussie clean-ups, to create our OBL.


The bodies of our Forever Bottles are currently being made from 50% OBL and we are fully committed to manufacturing our dispensers as close to 100% OBL as possible in the future. The good news is; after recent testing (July 2021) we were successfully able to trial manufacturing 100% OBL bottles 🥳 So we are well on our way, but we do have a whole bunch of safety and endurance testing to satisfy before we can confirm any changes to our range! So stay tuned 🤙

How do you create your Forever Bottles?


We collaborate with local not-for-profit partners, as well as facilitating our own ocean cleanups to collect plastic waste. This allows us to clean up all the single-use-plastic waste, and it also give us materials to make our packaging 👊🏼 WIN WIN!


Over the past few months we've been collaborating with legendary not-for-profit organisations like Ocean Crusaders and Parley to collect this plastic waste.


This OBL plastic we collect is then recycled into our Forever Bottles. Again, with a local Aussie manufacturing partner.


You can read more about our journey to develop a supply chain based Down Under here

Or better yet, watch this:



There's lots of testing, learning and mistakes to make before we get this completely right, but rest assured we're on the journey to making Australia's first-ever reusable bottles made from Aussie ocean, beach and landfill bound plastic. And we can't do it without y'all 🙏🏽


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